
Traveling means to go out in the world and explore ourselves. Theoretically, traveling is movement of the people between relatively distant geographical locations. People can travel by foot, bus, aero plane, car or other means of automobile. There are many positive as well as negative effect of traveling. However, the list of the best reasons why everyone should enrich their life with around the world makes those negativity blows away. I have complied the positive one below.

Traveling challenges you:

Traveling let you out of the comfort zone. Sticking in the computer from morning to noon doesn’t give us any enjoyment. Traveling twist those boring life into full of challenges and joy. Overcoming those challenges give you a sense of accomplishment. It at least helps you to be happy for time being. Thus, in order bring more life to your life we must travel.

Changes your perspective:

 The way from which we are seeing the world is different from the way other people do. Meeting people of different culture teach us. Traveling helps to change the perspective on things, people and situation. This definitely brings improvement in our thoughts and vision.

Gives you cool stories:

Staring at your computer doesn’t give any cool stories but traveling does. Escape away from this monotonous life and hit something new. The moment you have courage to do so you will have a new life and the beginning of the chapter of the cool stories. Remember, these cool stories are the stuff that we are going to talk about in our days. So try to make as many as you can. “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

Provide you a sense of accomplishment:

 If you are the one who dream big, want to accomplishment something in your life then travel. It you are the person who has been chasing for money, position and luxury then traveling is not your cup of tea. However, if you are after recreation, peace mind and soul, you should get the ball rolling.

Find you a new purpose:

When we travel we are exposed to the new culture, tradition and people. This brings some significant change in our thoughts, vision and perspectives. If you are stuck with the problem to choose career path, about your future, what do you want to do with your life, your purpose then go travel. You might get surprised by discovering new sense of life purpose and direction.


Traveling is the best way to escape life's problem and recharge your battery.
There are other many more advantages of traveling. It will lead us to a lengthy article. Lastly, why travel?  Because you can.  Because you want to. Because it beats the alternative. 


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