Do and Don’ts in Exams

An exam is the part of the student's life. Until you are the student, the exam will be knocking the door of your life. If we want to survive in this student world we have to take exams no matter what.
Since exam plays a great role in our life we should know some do and don’t in order to get success. There are some students who always struggle for the exams. How hard they study they couldn’t get the expected outcome which definitely leads them to depression. There is some technique that should be taken into consideration in order to get good marks in our exams.
Here are some study tips that will help to perform well in exams.
Students love doing procrastination. We procrastinate till the last hour of the exams that lead to sleepless night and lot more stress to both body and mind which ultimately gives the bad result. A scientist has proved that rather than studying in chunks it is better to study in little part. The brain works efficiently when we memorized little part for a little interval of time regularly. Similarly studying in a specific time is beneficial. If we make a habit of reading at the same time regularly it will be more beneficial.
Students usually highlight the important part of the paragraph. That doesn’t help in linking and understanding the topic wisely. Thus the other alternative for it is we can read in a frame card. It is one of the best techniques to study efficiently. We can carry our frame card and study it even when we are in a bus or any time when we feel like memorizing.
There are many do and don’t that we should know for exam preparation. Some of the important things are mention below.
We must make a habit of studying in the specific place where we can concentrate and don’t get interrupted. We shouldn’t stay in super comfy places like in bed or sofa. This will help to pass out.
We should avoid multitasking. We should concentrate on one particular thing at a time. If possible we should turn off the entire gadget we have.
Students usually think that taking breaks means wasting time. But it is okay to take a break. Actually, they must take the break so that they can refresh their mind. Refresh mind can perform a lot better than tired mind
We should avoid over-caffeinating like coffee, Red Bull and so on instead we can drink plenty of water which makes our mind more hydrating. Hydrated minds can perform effectively and efficiently.            

Students usually panic when exam times are near. Instead of panicking we should be proud enough that the day had finally arrived where we can prove our parents, teacher and all above me about my regular hard work that I have done whole semester.


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