The dearest people in my life.

A child is born. He grows with his family. Some people are lucky enough that they get a chance to grow with their family. Some people don’t. They have to live separated from their parents due to some circumstances. They cannot get love and affection of their parents. We meet different people in our life. Those people whom we hate the most at the beginning become one of our dearests. The one we love the most become one we hate the most. I have met so many people so far in my life. But not everyone is my dearest.

Yes, I have met some of the people that have made my life beautiful and happy. Parents are the dearest one. No matter what happens they will always be by my side. They work day and night not because for their happy life but for my future. They have devoted their life in order to brighten my life. So no matter what I will always owe them. Yes!! They are the dearest one. Thanks to them that they gave me my little sister. Because of them, I got this little cute sister. She is the one with whom I have to share everything but it's ok until and unless I have to share with her. I share almost everything with her. I share the things that I have learned so far whether it is about life, courses, and fascinating things and so on. I love when she hears all those without complaining. She must feel great that she has a sister like me. She looks similar to me. People who know me and if they saw her then they can easily predict that she is my sister. We are that similar. Lucky she is. She is smarter than me but also lazier one. When my friends are not with me to go shopping I take her with me. I love to spend time with her. After going to bed we start talking. She laughs a lot when I do some weirdo acting. She is my first best friend. I can't imagine my life without her. Talking about the friends I think they add meaning to the life. I have made so many friends. There are some of my friends whom I share each and everything of my life. They too share their things and I love to hear their story. They give me a better suggestion. When I share things with them especially the bad one I feel so relieved. I have got two best friends from school. We used to make lots of fun in school. We were the naughtiest one. We used to share our launch. We used to fight back for each other. After the school, we chose the different path. Even we chose different path we are still together. In college, I met the other dearest one. Actually, I thought she was kind of rude person. She told me later that she even found me little weird one. But later we are really close. I spent my entire college life with her. I remember the day we cried for each other. Those two years of my life was wonderful with her. Later she joined an architecture school and I joined IT school. Now her path is different from mine. We still meet and talk on the phone. I love her so much moon to back.


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