The Perks of studying in small college

It’s been around 5 years that I had graduated from school. I still remember the pressure I felt while choosing the college. Every student have to go through it. It felt like I was taking some life changing decision back then. Though it was not life changing decision but it affects in one way or the other way. I choose to enroll into the large college and at the end I was disappointed.
I have spent 15 years of my school life in class with not more than 25 students. But back in high school, the number of the student got double. Since I have studied in two different environments, I can clearly distinguish which one is better. Well, I think it depends on people's personality and perception whether to like small class or huge class. For me, if I have to choose between the large college and small college, I would go for the small one. I personally think that there are many benefits in being small classes than the big one.
There are people who cannot get along with everyone and prefer to stick with one friend. It would be better for them to join the small colleges. I do fall under this category. I prefer one best friend rather than being friends with everybody. And I think it is one of the best reason because of which I prefer going to small class. While people who love to be friends with everyone can choose to go to the huge colleges. Then they get the chance to make lots of friends. See, personality does matter in choosing the colleges.
Friends play an important role in one's life and so does in mine. We spent more time with our friends rather than with our parents. We get the chance to learn so many things with our friends and share so many good memories with them. When the number of student increases there will be fewer chances of having many good memories because we get the chance to spent limited time with one particular friend.
When there are limited friends in your class you can get along with everyone within the short period of time. When you spend a lot of time together you get the chance to know everyone. But in another case, we can find more groups rather than the unity. Also, I find difficult to get along with some other groups. Well, it is not valid for everyone, though. Since there is a limited student in the class we can comfortably get along with all of them. At the end, our friend will be like our family because at the time we will be the one who knows them better and will already be sharing most of the good memories with them.
When the number of the student is low the chances of changing section is very rare in many colleges. But some of them are the exception, the practice to shuffle the student even though the number of students is less. Honestly speaking I don't like the idea of shuffle. As I told you previously, I prefer one friend than being friends to everyone. When they shuffle student, we cannot stick to our best friend. In order to survive and prevent from being alone, we have to be friends with other as well. This helps to get adapt to any kind of people.
I think that small class is better in the case of the academy as well. It will be easy to get attention from our teacher since there is less number of student. There will active participation of the students during the class. We don't have to worry about getting ignored. Since the number of students is less, the number of question asked with be less comparatively. The chances of getting ignored will be less. The teacher has to answer our question.
There will be limited papers that the teacher have to deal with therefore a teacher can evaluate properly. The teacher can call upon the student one by one and deal with them individually. This will definitely help to improve the class performances as well. The individual treatment is always fruitful.
We can easily do one to one contact with the teacher. We don't have to wait in the long queue for our chance and worry if we have to wait tomorrow. We can easily maintain the relationship between the teachers.  This helps us to feel like we are counted. There will be less competition in every school curriculum. You can get a chance to participate in every school curriculum as well. Life in small college is easy and smooth. You don't have to rush and worry all the time.

Choosing colleges is one the difficult decision you have to make in your life. I suggest you go through all the information because it is important to know in what kind of environment you are studying. And then make a final decision so that you won't regret.


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